Prefixes and Suffixes

Published on Sunday, April 24, 2011 in

Adding a prefix to a word doesn't usually change the spelling of the stem of the word.
For example:-
anti + septicantiseptic
auto + biographyautobiography
de - sensitizedesensitize
dis - approvedisapprove
im - possibleimpossible
inter - mediateintermediate
mega - bytemegabyte
mis - takemistake
micro - chipmicrochip
re - usedreused
un - availableunavailable

Adding a suffix to a word often changes the spelling of the stem of the word. The following may help you work out the changes. Again there are exceptions, so if you're not sure - look it up in your dictionary.
Words ending in a consonant
When the suffix begins with a consonant, just add the ending without any changes.
For example:-
treat + menttreatment
Doubling the consonant
For most words with a short vowel sound, ending with a single consonant, double the consonant when adding a suffix that starts with a vowel, such as er, ed or ing.
For example:-
mop + ingmopping
big + estbiggest
hot + erhotter
For words endling in l after a vowel, double the l before adding er, ed or ing.
For example:-
carol + ingcarolling
travel + ertravelling
Some words ending in r, x, w or y are exceptions to the doubling rule
tear + ingtearing
blow + ingblowing
box + erboxer
know + ingknowing

And if your main word has two consonants at the end, or more than one vowel, don't double the consonant.
rain + ing (two vowels a + i)raining
keep + er (two vowels e + e)keeper
break + ing (two vowels e + a)breaking
hang + er (two consonants n + g)hanger

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